Cycloramas have added a whole new dimension to artistic expression on stage.
A cyclorama is a large stage curtain or wall, often concave, positioned at the back of the stage area. Used for projection or lighting purposes and still relatively new to the theatre world, cycloramas have added a whole new dimension to artistic expression on stage.
A “cyc” can be made of unbleached canvas, muslin or filled scrim. Cycloramas allow virtual interaction between live stage performers and cinematic special effects. Traditionally they are hung flat and used to encircle or partially enclose the stage area. When possible, the cyclorama is stretched on the sides and weighted on the bottom to create as even a surface as possible. Specialty Theatre makes the cycloramas even smoother by using seamless, extra-wide fabric in the manufacturing process.
Our comprehensive service package doesn’t stop with production. We also deliver and install, wherever your theatre is located, and we back our products with a “no fuss” guarantee. To read more about us, check out our about us page.
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