If you manage or direct for small community theatres, chances are you have limited number or actors/ actresses too. This indeed is a big challenge if you want to have a good musical production. That being said, we listed 5 small cast musical productions for small community theatres.
The Last 5 Years
This play only needs a cast of 2. 1 male and 1 female actor. Written by Jason Brown, the story revolves around a 5-year relationship span of the 2 characters. What makes it tricky AND interesting is how the story is presented in reverse order.
Songs for a New World
Songs for a New World only needs a case of 4. The play only presents 2 “acts” but just like “The Last 5 Years”, directing this play can be a bit tricky as there are several varying scenarios that also differ in plots. This play is also written by Jason Brown.
Romance Romance
This musical, though not in need of several casts received a lot of nomination for the prestigious Tony Awards. Requires a cast of 4, the play presents 2 Acts with different plots and only bound by one song that was performed in both acts.
Triumph of Love
Requires a cast of 7, the story revolves around love made complicated and convoluted by politics. Though as the title implies, love triumphs in the end.
Also requires a cast of 7 actors, the story is presented in two acts: “March of the Falsettos” and “Flasettoland”. The story is about love, hate, the complication of divorce and death.
Check out more details about these musicals through the links and I’m sure you will find something to your liking. Most of them, as mentioned, only requires a small number of cast and budget-friendly theatre set designs. Now, if you are in need of assistance with your theatre set designs and/ or professional recommendation, Specialty Theatre will be glad to be of service. Just contact us and let us know what you need.